Can remote or virtual early talent recruitment campaigns be successful?
Six months ago, the concept of a completely virtual early talent campaign would have been rejected, but during unprecedented and challenging times, both people and businesses alike are having to adapt and change quickly, as they try to find their new normal.
Whilst there has been a significant decrease in Early Talent recruitment, for a good number of organisations, this is less about having the roles available in their business, but more about how to reach, engage and retain applicants to a remote Intern, Graduate or Apprenticeship programme.
Unfortunately, many organisations may start to see the detrimental effects of not having an Early Talent pipeline coming through their business in years to come, and for many this will leave huge gaps of knowledge, inquisitiveness and fresh ideas as well as present some succession planning challenges.
Operating remotely and virtually
Cohesion have been supporting our clients to continue to recruit and outsource graduate recruitment programmes incorporating a remote working practice. For some this has been simply starting their programmes remotely, incorporating additional support, training and inductions for new starters online. For others it has been managing entire projects/internships remotely, running virtual graduate and apprentice assessment centres and planning ahead for engagement and attraction to the academic world, in a virtual way.
Cohesion continue to be passionate about running Early Talent recruitment campaigns for our clients, and recognise that in order for our clients to continue recruiting, in a safe, practical and cost effective way, there have had to be some significant changes to the way in which Early Talent programmes are run. Whether discovering more innovative and remote ways of recruiting, or virtual on-boarding, we are excited to see the successes of these programmes as they now begin.
Benefits of virtual Early Talent recruitment campaigns
Running an Early Talent scheme remotely can bring huge benefits to an organisation:
- The ability to offer home working makes your opportunity attractive to a broader selection of candidates from a wider range of locations. We are now seeing a greater number of international opportunities being offered too
- With a greater reach to a more diverse candidate pool, many organisations are seeing the benefit of wider cultural insights/perspectives as well as increased productivity, language capability, brand reputation and retention
- During a time when many Early Talent offers have been withdrawn, both the quantity and quality of candidates looking for roles is significantly higher than in previous years – allowing organisations to recruit the very best calibre
- The chance for organisations to adapt to new working practices, technology changes and a more collaborative approach to working
- Many Interns go on to secure Graduate roles in later years, which is an ideal and cost-effective recruitment solution
There are of course many factors to consider before running a remote Early Talent scheme, however, from recent campaigns we can see that it is not only possible, but can be really successful.
On behalf of our clients, Cohesion build and manage bespoke Early Talent recruitment solutions. To learn more about this offering, please contact our Sales Director – James Austen / 07584 614139
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