Cohesion, MillionPlus, GSK and University of East London discuss inclusion for Early Talent schemes.
Thank you to everyone who attended our webinar. We hope you found it useful.
Cohesion held the event to discuss the topic of Inclusion: Opening the doors to non-Russell Group Universities. We were joined by Dr. Greg Walker, CEO of the MillionPlus Group of Universities, Lucy Hegarty, Global Head of Early Talent at GSK, Joshua Carney, Early Talent Attraction Specialist at GSK, and Cherise Basslian, Head of Employability from the University of East London. Each speaker shared their thoughts and tips in terms of engaging with a broad range of universities and how it developed a more socially mobile, inclusive pool of applicants. Cohesion then invited a successful applicant from a recent graduate program to share their thoughts and personal feedback, echoing many of the points that already been raised. The session was concluded by James Austen, Sales Director at Cohesion who provided quantitative data, evidencing and supporting the notion of greater inclusion in early talent schemes.
You can watch the recording of the event here:
You can also download a copy of the slides here: Inclusion: Opening doors to non-Russell Group Universities event slides (1038 downloads )
Key points raised include:
How ‘diversity and inclusion’ is being interpreted is changing quickly. Originally a focus on gender, the subject has morphed to include ethnicity, social mobility and neuro-diversity as well as other topics.
By engaging with targeted establishments, significant in-roads can be made that will impact both the numbers and diversity of applicants and in turn, the quality of future employees.
Though normally a long term strategy, when it comes to university and school relationships, quick wins can be achieved easily through the partnership of a specialist recruitment provider.
Working with a broader group of institutions is one part of a multi-faceted approach to driving inclusion, and is an integral cog when combined with other strategies in the advertising, recruitment and onboarding stages.
Despite the efforts of the industry as a whole, when it comes to job applications, there are still negative connotations associated with non-Russell Group Universities.
You can sign up to our next event ‘How early talent recruitment has changed post Covid 19’ which will be held on Wednesday 7th July.
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MillionPlus is the Association for Modern Universities in the UK, and the voice of 21st century higher education.
They champion, promote and raise awareness of the essential role played by modern universities in a world-leading higher education.
MillionPlus: The Association for Modern Universities
GSK are a science-led global healthcare company with a special purpose: to help people do more, feel better, live longer.
University of East London
The University of East London has been pioneering futures since 1898. They are a careers-led university, dedicated to supporting our students to develop the skills, emotional intelligence and creativity needed to thrive in a constantly changing world.
Candidate Video for Harry Luck
Harry Luck an early talent candidate spoke to us about his experiences. You can watch his video here: